Monday, April 11, 2016

April Literature 2016 - National Poetry Month

In the interests of fitting in more literature and writing around your other classes, we'll focus on poetry for the month of April, National Poetry Month.

Some general links on poetry that you might find interesting:

National Poetry Month homepage
The Poetry Foundation
Crash Course Literature

How to Read a Poem --  an excellent essay with a helpful list of questions to keep in mind when trying to understand poetry.  It would be good to print these out and put them in a notebook for future reference.  Apply this method of reading and these questions to the poems by Lord Byron linked below.

Week of 4/11-4/15: Lord Byron

23 poems by Lord Byron:
 Focus especially on these:
7: "I Would I Were A Careless Child"
9: "There is a Pleasure in the Pathless Woods"
10: "He Who Ascends to Mountaintops"
11: "So We'll Go No More A-Roving"
13: "She Walks in Beauty"
15: "If That High World"
19: "The Destruction of Sennacherib"

Writing assignment for the week: Write a poem in Lord Byron's style.

Some links for Lord Byron:

A Brief Guide to Romanticism
The Romantics -- The British Library 

Week of 4/18-4/22: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Compare Byron's poetry to Ralph Waldo Emerson's, who wrote a bit later and was also American and a Transcendentalist.  Henry David Thoreau was also a Transcendentalist.  I think you can see that they shared some things in common with the Romantics, who preceded them.  Here's a neat timeline of Literary History that will help you sort this out. )

15 Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson
1. "Music"
3. "Success"
4. "My Garden"
5. "Seashore"
7. "Concord Hymn"
13. "To Ellen, at the South"
15. "Give All to Love"